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Hi Metalhead.club members,

I'm planning to offer metalhead.club t-shirts with our new logo on them. Unfortunately I have no idea how many of you are interested in purchasing such a t-shirt.

So: Let me know if you're interested and boost 🚀 if you are a Metalhead.club member. Thank you very much! 🤘

(I cannot announce a price yet, because it will depend on the supplier and the number of shirts we order per batch.)


  • I'm interested in purchasing a t-shirt (68%, 69 Stimmen)
  • I'm NOT interested. (31%, 32 Stimmen)
101 Stimmen, Abstimmung endet: 11 Monate her

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (11 Monate her)
Any chance that there will be a white/light t-shirt (with logo)? I don’t wear black in summer anymore.
@jxrxme you're the second user suggesting this ;) Maybe. Every variation means additional cost, so I'd like to keep the number of variants small. But if the costs are not too much, I'd be happy to offer a white version, too!
@jxrxme white version is great. Definitely old school thrash!
Would be great if you care that the material never relsaes too much #microplastic concerning fiber and printing.
the logo is really cool, but i wouldn't wear it on a shit.
But i would buy a sticker.
depends on the design. Stickers or maybe a Patch someday would be nice.
Print on demand is mostly a lower quality of the print, and after 10 times in the washing machine, the rpint looks very bad. So better go for a bigger amount with screen printing, and the print will last for ages.
As a none member, but a follower since 2017 of this instance, I would definitly like one!
@bestiaexmachina @dereisenhofer yes, it is going to be a high quality screen print :)
@dereisenhofer AFAIK Thomas is in contact with a screen printing shop (Siebdruck), so the prints are gonna be nice and sturdy! 🤩

Die Bestellungen werden wahrscheinlich nächste Woche starten :)

@bestiaexmachina @dereisenhofer