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ngl, I didn't realize just how toxic German anti-anti-semitism was until a German gentile called me - a Jew - an antisemite on the basis that criticizing the finance sector was "structurally antisemitic"


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Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

When I was in Berlin last summer a local told me things were bad, but It's gotten especially absurd in the last year


Cory Doctorow hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

its a well favored and effective cudgel. and anybody who argues will get the same treatment

Cory Doctorow hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

The "von" joins some historic zionists. Including Theodore Herzl, Arthur Ruppin (“I'm anti-semitic, I have no time for these Jews”), and Chaim Weizmann (“yes I too have problems with German Jews”).

Cory Doctorow hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

OMG Cory I'm such a huge fan and read as much of your writing as I can find the time for.

But I assumed you must be deliberately avoiding talking about the #GazaGenocide stuff.

It's so cathartic to see you're engaged with & on the right side of this 😌. Major respect 🤜 🤛


Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

Just one sample here: "antisemitism is worse than other forms of racism" - Shoa/Holocaust meant the plan to destroy all jews. The threat of it is still real with Hamas, Iran etc. This is another background compared to racism. The Shoa was no form of racism but a program of termination. Concerning Mbembe: He talks of lethal biopolitics in Israel (Duesseldorf, Germany May 2020), clearly without knowledge.
Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

tooting from Europe – it is that bad, and it's only getting worse.
Be the head of a verified extremist far-right organisation (Martin Sellner)? Yeah, you can travel freely throughout Germany, they won't bother you.
Dare to even speak at a pro-Palestine event (Yanis Varoufakis)? Yeah, you're banned from entering the country before you even speak there.
It's just a tool they use to bludgeon progressives into silence. I hope one day these people are disgraced for it.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

like this whole billionaires-plus-politicos WhatsApp group focused on Israel issues. Apparently reporting on it is promoting an "antisemitic trope" washingtonpost.com/nation/2024…
Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

doesn't his comment ... um ... promote a certain longstanding antisemitic myth?
Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

Germany is the twilight zone. Reality doesn't mean anything, the manufacturing of consent is through the roof. Antisemitism and anti-zionism are treated as one an the same.
I've seen antifa orgs call the palestinian flag an antisemitic hatecrime. Historical materialism? None to be seen.
I have been thrown of german-language mastodon for "spreading conspiracy theories" because I shared a CNN article about Mustafa Barghouti.
Als Antwort auf Sven222


Klar, ist ja von Juli 2023. Und ich habe schon seit Längerem die Ehre von Rechts- und Linksdualisten gleichzeitig beschimpft zu werden. Ist mein Alltag.



Als Antwort auf Dr. Michael Blume

@BlumeEvolution @sven222
Herr Dr. Blume,

Sie werben auf mastodon & @scilogs für das Lied "Nicht in meinem Namen" von Bodo Wartke.

Es sei ein "tiefes, monistisches Lied", der Verfasser "ein humanistischer Mensch", Ihnen gefällt die "religiöse Perspektive", schreiben Sie gestern.

Lesen Sie bitte den unten angefügten Liedtext.

In jeder Zeile setzt Wartke das jüdische Volk auf die Anklagebank.

Es ist ein antisemitischer Text.

Als Antisemitismusbeauftragter sollten Sie sich davon distanzieren.
Nicht dafür werben.

Als Antwort auf Dr. Michael Blume

@BlumeEvolution @sven222
Niemand hat Sie beschimpft, Michael. Manchen Menschis sind nur ihre Äußerungen teilweise suspekt.
Sie sollten sich zu so Dingen, wie ihren vor fünf Tagen prognostizierten 38 °C für gestern im wilden Südwesten nochmal rückbesinnen.

Sie hatten Ängste vor Hitze geschürt, was sich gestern als haltlos herausgestellt hat, nun wollen manche wissen, wie Sie heute zu ihrer Fehlprognose stehen?



Guten Morgen - Tässle Kaffee ☕️?

Am Sonntag macht sich die Hitzeblase über dem Süden Frankreichs mit wohl 40 Grad bemerkbar. Der letzte Tag der Olympischen Spiele in Paris wird bei rund 35 Grad noch einmal zur Bewehrungsprobe für die Athletinnen und Athleten. Zu uns rutscht die große Hitze dann am Montag mit Spitzenwerten im Westen und Südwesten zwischen 30 und 36 Grad. In manchen Berechnungen sind sogar rund 38 Grad möglich. #Klimakrise #Hitze #Frankreich #Deutschland wetter.de/cms/40-grad-hitze-au…

Als Antwort auf Sabienchen

@Sabienchen @BlumeEvolution @sven222 Hä?
1.) Was hat das mit Antisemitismus bzw. dem oben verlinkten Machwerk zu tun? 2.) Außer einem Rechtschreibfehler ("Bewehrungsprobe") sehe ich nichts Falsches an Blumes Tröt.
Als Antwort auf Dr. Michael Blume

@BlumeEvolution @sven222
Auch ihre Podcast-Teilnahme bei der Bibletunes-Sekte bedarf einer Klarstellung und ggf. Distanzierung vom Moderator, der mit Ben Fitzgerald von AwakeningEurope sympathisiert, vielleicht sogar zusammenarbeitet.
Bei deren Zeremonien werden Jugendliche manipuliert, sodass sie anfangen in Zungen zu reden, was auf die hypnotisierende Predigtpraxis rückführbar ist.

Wie stehen Sie als Amtsträger zu dieser selbst von evangelikalen Freikirchen abgelehnten Praxis?

Als Antwort auf Dr. Michael Blume


Ich sehe hier allerdings keine persönliche Beschimpfung als allgemeine Verwunderung über das System des institutionalisierten Antisemitismus, das manchmal etwas seltsame Auswüchse zeitigt.

@sven222 @pluralistic

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

and… well… saying that « finance = Jews » is itself antisemitic. Funny.
Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

It certainly does mean something to shift the focus from protecting an oppressed people to protecting a nation, a flag, and their associated symbols.

Then just replace the name of the nation and the flag with other ones and what do you get in the end?

You got it.

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

@Cory Doctorow

Looks like dogma has come to replace the original meaning. Arresting Jews (protesting against genocide) for antisemitism is outright ridiculous, and I really think Germany (and other countries) are enabling a new genocide this way.

Also, claiming the Holocaust is the only real genocide is just as much genocide-denial as Holocaust denial is.

Netanyahu has tried to change the meaning of antisemitism to mean "criticism of the government of Israel", and too many people in the West are going along with that. It's destroying the real meaning of antisemitism and endangering Jews across the world.

It's an incredibly harmful development.

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

Germany's bad conscience with regards to the Holocaust has produced another völkisch monster by conflating Israel with all of Jewishdom, and if a Jew criticises Israel, well, they must not be really, really Jew.
Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

Can't stop thinking about this one. The layers of meta-bigotry are like, how does this person's brain not bleed out of their ears in protest?
Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

So people without relevant qualifications (since there's no standard at all) who aren't Jewish get to decide what's antisemitic.


I feel there are ways to avoid abuse, and they seem to have implemented not a single one of them.

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

Criticism of Israel is 'forbidden speech' in much of the world.
This despite Israel being guilty of running a blatant apartheid state and routinely commiting crimes against humanity including an ongoing campaign of ethnic clensing.
Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

I shared a screenshot of this toot to Facebook and got a prompt telling me I should delete it because It was probably hate speech. I guess "anti-anti-semitism" is a bad word.

Cory Doctorow hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

I didn't know until I ran across Deborah Feldman, an American Jew living in Germany. theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

Cory Doctorow hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow


But isn't equating the finance sector to the jews a wee bit... you know... antisemitic?

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

That German gentile might be quite offended by you calling them a German, too: The folks talking about "structural antisemitism" tend to be "Antideutsch"
Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

i'm curious, what were your exact words about the finance sector?
Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

actually, some stuff can be seen as antisemitic indeed.
First, the picture. It is a version of a common antisemitic trope (compare pic below)
Second, the distinction in "productive" vs. "grubbing" capital is a continuation of "the money-lending jew" trope dating back for centuries.
Third, from all capitalists doing shady businesses, you name exactly one (1) as example: Zuckerberg.
I give you the benefit of doubt if it was conscious, but i cannot blame others who see intent.
Als Antwort auf Schafstelze

@Schafstelze @Cory Doctorow

That's a very different picture, though. That uses a blatantly racist caricature, unlike the image @Cory Doctorow used.

Als Antwort auf Schafstelze

> First, the picture. It is a version of a common antisemitic trope (compare pic below)

No, it isn't. It's a caricature of the Gentile banker JP Morgan, from a 110-year-old editorial cartoon about the first billion-dollar bank merger.

Just because antisemites depict *Jews* as dominating the world, that doesn't make *all* images of *all* forces - abstract or personified - that dominate the world antisemitic.

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Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow


> Second, the distinction in "productive" vs. "grubbing" capital is a continuation of "the money-lending jew" trope dating back for centuries.

No, it is not. This is you restating the idea that "critiques of finance capital are structurally antisemitic."

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow


That is a fundamentally unserious proposition that is *very* antisemitic in that it both erases the monumental contributions of Jewish radicals (Marx, Luxembourg, Graeber, Hoffman, Trotsky, etc) to this critique, and - far worse - gives credit for their work to the Nazis who would have exterminated them.

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

Oh, clever, the "the real antisemite is YOU!"-Argument. Never heard that before, really gives me sth. to think about. Not.
Als Antwort auf Schafstelze

i retract my former benefit of the doubt. Very convinced now your dogwhistles were fully intentional.
Als Antwort auf Schafstelze

@Dingsextrem Uh.... so you mean to tell me you think the guy whose grandparents fled Nazi Germany's conquest and whose father was born in a refugee camp in Azerbaijan is being antisemetic?

What the fuck?

Als Antwort auf Scien

@scien There's a fine difference between 'saying something antisemitic' (or racist or sexist) and 'being antisemitic' (or racist or sexist).
Als Antwort auf Schafstelze

@Dingsextrem One would think someone jewish could attest to what is and isn't, in fact, antisemetic?

Not sure how your arguments are supposed to be seen as credible with: A. The rebuttals given & B. The fact that he is *literally* jewish.

But I guess I'm supposed to just shake my fist at him anyways bc some random guy decided to stretch his statements into a pretzel to try to contend that a jewish person is saying something antisemetic? Right. That makes sense.

More importantly *intentional dogwhistles*. You think he's *intentionally* putting *antisemetic dogwhistles* into his writing? What? What the fuck?

I mean, surely you could take a step back and see that vast swaths of people see this as utterly absurd, yes? Good god.

Als Antwort auf Scien

@Scien @Schafstelze

One would think someone jewish could attest to what is and isn't, in fact, antisemetic

Jews are not infallible. If you ask Netanyahu what's antisemitic and what isn't, he'll probably tell you that anything that questions or limits Israel's right to kill Palestinians would count as antisemitic.

In this particular case @Cory Doctorow is obviously right, but that doesn't mean that every Jew in every discussion about antisemitism is always right, because they're people and often disagree with each other. Ultimately you've got to look at the arguments, and not blindly accept authority or dogma.

Als Antwort auf Martijn Vos

@mcv @Dingsextrem Well yes no shit, despite being born to Jewish parents, Murray Rothbard used antisemetic slurs and supported historical revision of WWII that erased the slaughter of jews, instead pretending it was for the purpose of "slaughtering the Germans and Japanese" - as if that made any sense.

My point is that of *credibility*. It's a very high ask to propose I defer to some random person about this rather than the *literal jewish person*. It's an absurd proposition in its own right but apparently I'm supposed to choke it down because "look at this clearly antisemetic image that even emphasizes the nose; clearly your choice of imagery is the same" and "saying that banks or capital interests can extract capital instead of aid genuine expansion is structurally antisemetic" - because apparently banks & capital interests are synonymous with jewish people.

I understand what you're saying but the point I'm trying to make clear is the base situation is already a high bar and then he pulls the most nonsensical shit.

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Als Antwort auf Scien

@Scien @Cory Doctorow @Schafstelze

Oh, absolutely. In this particular case, random internet person does not hold more authority over the definition of antisemitism than a than a thinker and writer whose family survived the holocaust.

But the argument "you're not X therefore you're wrong" is a fallacy and dogma I see too often, and I just wanted to point that out.

But Cory's real authority here doesn't come from the history of his family, because someone with a similar family history could still disagree, but from his arguments and sources, perhaps combined with the experience and understanding of that history.

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

critique of capitalism is not antisemitic. Read again, i'm talking about the distinction between "good" and "evil" capitalists. Marx didn't differ in 'good' or 'evil' capitalists, he's about the system, not individual actors.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
Als Antwort auf Schafstelze

> Marx didn't differ in 'good' or 'evil' capitalists,

This is literally the most wrong thing I have ever seen anyone write about Marx.

The *first chapter* of the Communist Manifesto distinguishes between finance capital and productive capital. This is also critical to Kapital I, and it's the heart of the Grundrisse.

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Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

Mate, I was raised by Jewish Marxists who were also survivors, WWII refugees who received reparations checks all their lives.

I speak Yiddish, and I had both a bris and a Bar Mitzvah.

I promise you: I understand the consequences of the Holocaust, the nature of Judiasm, the Jewish critique of capitalism, and the nature of antisemitism.

The crude equivalences of "all caricatures of bankers" or "all critiques of finance capital" with "antisemitism" are factually *wrong*.

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Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow


Sure, Nazis depicted Jewish bankers as a force for evil - but the salient aspect of those images that made them antisemitic was that the bankers were coded as Jewish.

If you understood Jewish radicalism, you'd know that at the *very same time*, Jewish radical newspapers (e.g. The Forward) were running editorial cartoons that *also* depicted bankers as dominating the world - just not coded as Jewish.

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow


The Jewish Bund sang radical Yiddish songs filled with bawdy, vicious, hilarious digs at the finance sector - we play them every year at our seder.

Gentiles do not get to tell Jews how we are allowed to feel about finance capital in the name of preventing antisemitism.


Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

"Gentiles do not get to tell Jews how we are allowed to feel about finance capital in the name of preventing antisemitism."

🔥 🔥 🔥 QFTMFT 🔥 🔥 🔥

@pluralistic @Dingsextrem

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

Sensitiver Inhalt

Cory Doctorow hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

As a German, I can only confirm the suspicion that "the system of antisemitism commissioners exists less to ensure the safety of Jews than to placate Germans’ feelings of guilt for the Holocaust".

This is a perfect summary.

Cory Doctorow hat dies geteilt.

Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

Cory Doctorow

This is a completely nonsensical and foundationally unserious argument - it's the kind of narishe kopp that led some German antifa to stand up *for* Deutschebank during the financial crisis (because "criticizing banks is antisemitic")

It's not antisemitic to criticize banks, but it is *100% antisemitic* to erase the monumental achievements of Jewish radical thinkers in developing the critique of finance capital and attributing their work to Nazis.

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow


> Third, from all capitalists doing shady businesses, you name exactly one (1) as example: Zuckerberg.

Mark Zuckerberg isn't a banker.

Als Antwort auf Cory Doctorow

Area man passionate defender of what he imagines anti-semitism to be.