If you don't mind a bit of gentle coercion, there are nice on-boarding features that make it easier to get people to switch.
E.g. prosody has an easy-invite feature where you just click a link, it helps you get set up, and you jump into a chat with someone. And Quicksy lets you sign up with your phone number without having to choose an account, like Signal or WhatsApp.
Otherwise, transports like slidge are great at filling in the gaps.
Yes! If you just want a few users, have a look for prosody, really easy to set up. It helps a lot, if you create a user for the conversations compliance tester. I found that hosting a XMPP Server is easy, fun and helps the federation.
Matthew Fennell
Als Antwort auf AliveDevil • • •AliveDevil
Als Antwort auf Matthew Fennell • • •One issue is … I have virtually zero people - I know - using XMPP.
Matthew Fennell
Als Antwort auf AliveDevil • • •Sensitiver Inhalt
ah yes, always a tricky one 😄
If you don't mind a bit of gentle coercion, there are nice on-boarding features that make it easier to get people to switch.
E.g. prosody has an easy-invite feature where you just click a link, it helps you get set up, and you jump into a chat with someone. And Quicksy lets you sign up with your phone number without having to choose an account, like Signal or WhatsApp.
Otherwise, transports like slidge are great at filling in the gaps.
Als Antwort auf AliveDevil • •wolf mag das.