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I have noticed that google search results have recently started with an "AI generated summary", which I assume is often complete bollocks.

Is there any way to turn that off? Or is this the push I've been waiting for to change my default search engine?

#google #AI #enshittification

Als Antwort auf Adam Jacobs 🇺🇦

to avoid the bullshitting AI, the sponsored results, the adtech surveillance, and the generally degraded Google algorithm I decided a few months ago to pony up a few bucks a month for Kagi search. Totally worth it. All the crap is gone, beautiful relevant search results and some cool additional features. @pluralistic gave it a thumbs up as well. “It’s magic”: pluralistic.net/2024/04/04/tea…

(This is not a paid endorsement, I’m just a happy customer who hates being used by Google)

Als Antwort auf Adam Jacobs 🇺🇦

Maybe you can switch to a SearchNG instance. A meta search machine, that brings for me since month a better search result than google.